
Carica Pets News and Articles

Taxi Pick Up and Drop Off Module

Taxi Pick Up and Drop Off Module

Use our new Taxi Pick-Up and Drop-Off Module to set up and manage the picking up and dropping off of pets if your business provides a taxi service.

With Carica Pets it’s simple to ensure the pets in your bookings are picked up and dropped off on time using our new Taxi Module which is included as part of our Gold Package.

Set Up Vehicles

Add details of all of your vehicles with their capacity so that you can easily manage the pet pick-ups and drop-offs.

Taxi Services

Easily add taxi services for pick-ups and drop-offs to your bookings.  Assign a driver to each pick-up and drop-off so that each drive appears in their own personal diary.

Diary Reminders

You can easily see all of your pick-ups and drop-offs directly within the Diary so that you never forget or be late when picking up or dropping off a pet for any of your bookings in the website.

Sign up below to try our 14 day free trial or contact me to discuss how we can help you move from your existing kennel management software to ours hassle free.

Register for a 14 day free trial

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